Mult-Type Jobs

AdvancedJobs allows for the creation of complex job configurations through the use of multi-type jobs. This feature enables a single job to progress through multiple action types, providing a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

Example Configuration

Here's an example of a multi-type job configuration:

        type: crops-planted
        variable: none
        multiplier: 0.25
            - "nether_wart 2"
        type: harvest-crops
            root: CARROTS

In this example, player will progress job in these cases:

  • When harvesting carrots (1 point per carrot)

  • When planting nether warts (0.25 * 2 = 0.5 point per nether wart)

  • When planting other crops (0.25 per planted crop)

Note: When using only one type, you can use the old system.

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