Job Join and Leave Conditions

Job Leave Conditions, Variables and Commands

  • By default disabled for job - meaning there's no conditions for joining and leaving

  • Requires PlaceholderAPI

When player leaves a job, they need to meet specific conditions. After that plugin executes console commands with variables similar to variables in command rewards.

This configuration must be added inside each job file you want to set up the conditions for.

Example Configuration

# Requires PlaceholdersAPI
  # Conditions required to leave job.
  # Use placeholders from PlaceholdersAPI and >,<,==
    or: # At least one of these conditions must be meet
      - "%player_level% > 0"
      - "%player_has_permission_jobs.leave.bypass% == yes"
    and: [ ] # All of these conditions must be meet
  # Similar to variables in rewards
    cost: "<if>%player_has_permission_jobs.leave.bypass% == yes ? 0 : -1</if>"
  # Commands to execute after leaving job
    - "experience add %player% %cost% levels"

Using this configuration, player needs to have at least 1st experience level OR have permission jobs.leave.bypass. When player meet these conditions, they can leave job, but if they don't have that permission, they lose 1 level.

Types of conditions

Or conditions

Player needs to meet at least one condition (same as || operator in Java)

And conditions

Player needs to meet all conditions (same as && operator in Java)

Job Join Conditions

The format is the same, but instead of job-leave it will use the job-join key.\

Last updated