🎓Creating Jobs

AdvancedJobs allows for the creation and customization of jobs in two primary ways: through direct configuration files or via an intuitive, state-of-the-art in-game GUI editor. This flexibility ensures that server administrators can tailor jobs to the unique needs and playstyles of their server community, whether they prefer working with files or graphical interfaces.

Configuration Files

Jobs can be manually created and customized by editing YAML configuration files located in the /plugins/advancedjobs/jobs folder. This method is ideal for those who prefer direct control over job parameters and enjoy working with text-based configurations.


  1. Navigate to /plugins/advancedjobs/jobs.

  2. Create or edit a .yml file for your job (e.g., miner.yml, farmer.yml).

  3. Define job attributes according to the plugin's job configuration schema, including actions, rewards, levels, and more.

  4. Save your changes and reload the plugin to apply them.

Special Cases Progress

You can specify different cases progress, e.g. with kill-mob action, to assign different progress points: https://battlepass.advancedplugins.net/quests/special-progress

Job Permissions

Progress Rewards

Do you want to reward player for each progress (i.e. for each mined block)? Use progress-actions. Firstly, you need to create rewards. You can use %progress% placeholder in reward's variables.


    type: money # This reward required Vault
    name: "money reward for progress-actions"
        value: "(%level% * %progress% * 0.1) * (1 + (%booster% / 100))"
    value: "%value%"

    type: item
    name: "item reward for progress-actions"
        value: "(%level% * %progress% * 2) * (1 + (%booster% / 100))"
            material: coal:0
            amount: "%value%"

Now, you can add these rewards into progress-actions.rewards section. You can also override progress message to show how much money player got.

(To use reward variable inside message, use %reward.ID.VARIABLE% i.e. reward.11.value means value variable in 11 reward)

    rewards: ["11", "12"]
    override-message: "&7| &a+&2$%reward.11.value% &f+&0%reward.12.value% &7(&e%progress%&7/%required_progress%&7) &7[&e%job_name%&7] &7|"

In-Game GUI Editor

For those who prefer a more visual approach, AdvancedJobs offers an EASY TO USE, in-game GUI editor. This tool eliminates the need to directly edit configuration files, providing a user-friendly interface for creating and modifying jobs.

Accessing the Editor:

  • Use the command /ajadmin editor to open the in-game job editor.


  • Intuitive Design: The GUI is designed to be user-friendly, making job creation accessible to everyone.

  • Real-Time Editing: Make changes and see them reflected immediately in-game, allowing for dynamic adjustments.

Last updated